Is your favorite food?

When such questions are posed to children or young adolescents, a series of menu fast food American (American fastfood) will dominate their answers.

I am an English teacher and I often ask students, mostly primary school pupils and secondary schools, "What's your favorite food?" The answer I often hear is the Kentucky Fried Chicken, Hamburgers, Pizza. There are some who responded with fried noodles, fried rice, soup, meatballs as their favorite food. I never heard one of them answered with a clear healthy diet such as vegetables, broccoli, collards, kale, or the names of other vegetables as their favorite food.

I never favored Kentucky Fried Chicken when I was in college. Once a week I would eat fried chicken franchise products from American (Kentucky Fried Chicken, California Fried Chicken, or Mc Donald) which was delicious. Although I've heard that this kind of food is junk food (junk food), low-nutrient, high-fat, could make fat, etc., but still, I eat every Saturday or Sunday.

Now after I became an adult, married and has 3 children, I became more concerned with what I eat. I started paying attention to my diet. I also provide a healthy menu at my kids are still toddlers. I learned a healthy diet of cookery books that I bought.
  • Minimize the frequency of eating fast food, such as Fried Chicken: a month or two months. 
  • Fruit as a snack.
  • Expand portions of vegetables
  • Memberli not snack a lot when shopping at the supermarket.
  • Reduce how to cook with a lot of frying in oil.
  • Do not use the flavor enhancer monosodium glutamate (MSG) when cooking food.
  • Using olive oil for sauteing or frying eggs.
  • Minimize the consumption of instant noodles.
  • When eating at a restaurant, choose grilled rather than fried menu.
  • Order a hot fresh tea instead of sweetened iced tea or iced tea fresh when eating out.
 The things I have done lately in an effort to implement a healthy diet as a way of life:

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