Every man or woman has a common problem often encountered by most people are fat in the abdomen or belly fat. You know that belly fat can cause your clothes to be not normal and your confidence will go down as the stock markets smile icon Shrinking Stomach With 3 Simple Steps.
No matter what your condition, I will give three simple steps how to shrink belly fat so you can restore the body of a sexy and confident.
1. Eat the Right
We're not talking about the process or to SKS Diet eating vegan for a night, we were talking about how to make simple changes to your eating habits. Fill your stomach with foods high in fiber, complex carbohydrates and try (hey we all have moments of weakness) to avoid carbohydrates that are not useful in your current diet, such as cakes, biscuits, crackers, chips, white bread and sweets.
Eat whole grains, fruits, vegetables and nuts as your main source of carbohydrates because these foods can help keep you feeling full for hours after you eat it.
2. Eat Less Salt
Salt can make your stomach to hold water, out of breath and make your stomach look bigger than normal. Most of us eat more than twice as much as 3400 mg of sodium a day, whereas recommended is 1500 mg / day. When you shop, be sure to check the label whether it contains salt in certain products and not add extra salt to your food when eating out. This is not just a small step can help shrink your stomach but also your heart healthy. REMEMBER, excess salt can cause heart disease.
3. Exercise or Sports
Yes, this is what may be difficult to avoid when you want to shrink the stomach. Exercise is one way in addition to eating healthy and less salt. Do regularly every day and I guarantee you will lose belly fat in no time. Exercise with weight lifting and jogging can burn fat in your body.
Do 3 simple steps for 1 month, I guaranteed your stomach will undergo drastic changes that will make yourself into a SHOCK
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